Clearly, I'm not a naturally born blogger.
I'm afraid I've never really been good at keeping up with voluntary routine stuff like blogs, reading the comics, online forums, restocking my supply of rum, clean laundry and oral hygene. If it weren't for DVRs, I wouldn't even up to date on the new Doctor Who season.
But as I sit here watching old episods of Cheers on Netflix after a rather dull night out, I realize that by starting this blog, I inadvertently made a comittment to keep this updated. Yes, I understand that nobody would hold me to it. I really don't get any readers, so there's not really anyone to bang on my door demanding an update, and it's not like Squarespace gives a shit, since I pay the monthly subscription regardless. No, I made this committment to myself, and if I'm honest, I can be kind of annoying when I see committments unfulfilled. With that in mind, why shouldn't I hold myself to the same standard?
Sure, I could make excuses. Until recently, all my time was taken up by a thankless job that paid next to nothing for all the grief I had to take. Yes, it was the very same job I was blogging about in previous posts, and I'm glad I never mentioned it by name because now I can start thrashing it in my posts without concern for retribution.
But even that's not the full story behind my absence. I've been away from that job for 2 months now, and now I make the same money at my new job (managing a far more legitimate drafthouse movie theater), but without 50-hour weeks stacked ad infinitum, or having to endure the ceaseless drunken tirades from my boss. I have time to decompress now, and that should mean finding time to write, regardless of whether my readership is in the single-digits. But to be honest, I was so relieved to finally have any time at all that keeping this updated never occurred to me.
So, with that in mind, here's the sitrep: I got a new phone (Windows Phone 7 rocks!). My laptop got stolen and I haven't replaced it. Even with the new, better-paying job, I still can't afford a place of my own in the DC area, so still living with my folks. Still driving the same car I was, and I don't love it any less. Lastly, I still don't have a job in the film and video production field and, surprise, surprise; zero help on that front from my school.
Since I didn't make it explicit when I started this blog, here's my committment in writing: I solemnly swear to keep this blog up to date, regardless of my traffic.
And this post will make for some lovely ironic hindsight when I completely forget about it for another 3 months.